OK, that last post ended up as being a bit of a tease, so I'll jump right into things today. I write most of my comments using XML. Before the days of XML, I used to write "header comments" for all my major code blocks. Each of these header sections would contain a number of pre-defined elements. With the advent of XML and the inclusion of support for XML-style comments in Visual Studio, it became easy to create consistent, thorough documentation for each primary element of my code (by "primary element" I mean classes, properties, methods, and events).
Using XML comments in .NET code has several advantages.
I try to comment every class, method, property, and event. In order for the compiler to extract documentation, the code comments need to meet the following two conditions:
While the compiler will accept any valid XML tags, I generally use a specific set of tags for each element that I'm commenting. In the remainder of this post I'll describe how I comment classes and properties. I'll finish my discussion of XML comments in the next post where I describe how I comment methods and events.
At the very minimum, I use the <summary> tag to provide a short summary of the class. This summary describes what the class is and its use. A more detailed description goes in the <remarks> tag. Other tags I may use in a class comments block are <example> (usually used with the <code> tag), and <seealso> to add a See Also section to the documentation containing links to related classes. Finally, I add the non-standard tag <author> to all my class comment blocks.
Here's an example:
''' A simple class that represents a US mailing address.
''' </summary>
''' <remarks>
''' <para>
''' This class contains properties for all of the elements in a common US
''' mailing address. It provides basic validation for state abbreviations
''' and ZIP code formats (basic and ZIP+4) but does not verify that the
''' address represents an actual US mailing address.
''' </para>
''' <para>
''' The following example demonstrates a typical use for this class:
''' </para>
''' <example>
''' <code>
''' Public Function GetSampleAddress() as String
''' Dim addr as USAddress = new USAddress()
''' addr.Recipient = "Keven Lehmann"
''' addr.Street = "101 Main St"
''' addr.City = "Somewhere"
''' addr.State = "MD"
''' addr.ZIP = "21212-1212"
''' Return addr.ToUspsString()
''' End Function
''' </code>
''' </example>
''' </remarks>
Public Class USAddress
End Class
For properties, I always include the <summary> and <value> tags, although <value> often turns out to be a rehashing of the <summary>. If I feel there is anything about the property that needs extra clarification, I'll include that in a <remarks> tag. Other common tags I may use with a property are <example> for examples of use and <see> to refer to related functions from within the body of the documentation.
Here is an example:
''' Gets the <see cref="Person"></see>'s full name.
''' </summary>
''' <value>
''' The full name of the <b>Person</b>, comprising their
''' <see cref="FirstName"></see> and <see cref="LastName"></see>,
''' separated by a space.
''' </value>
Public ReadOnly Property FullName() As String
End Property
That's it for right now. Next time I'll finish up XML comments by covering Method and Event comments.