Monday, June 30, 2008

Code Conventions

And no, by code "conventions" I'm not talking about JavaOne or VSLive!

Code conventions are the standards you live by (or are forced by your employer to live by) that nitpick define how your code should look. Code conventions commonly specify things like how you name your variables, functions, and classes; guidelines for how to organize the text of your code on-screen; and requirements for properly documented code. If you haven't had to comply with code conventions (and maybe even if you have), you may wonder why anyone would want or need such stifling-sounding constriants. The easiest way to answer that question is with another question: have you ever had to look at someone else's code and try to understand it?

I'm assuming almost everyone answered yes to that question. If you've ever had a hard time trying to figure out just what was going through the head of the person who wrote that code you've been staring at, you know why we need code conventions (unless it was actually a bad piece of code, not just badly written... there's plenty of that out there too, but that's another topic entirely). Code conventions help make it easier for others to read and understand your code. Or to put it more selfishly: code conventions make it easier for you to understand someone else's code!

Now are you ready to accept that code conventions just might be a good thing?

The main problem with this idea is the question "who makes the standards?" There are some common, wide-spread conventions out there... some good, some not-so-good (Hungarian notation, anyone?). Most likely, the standards you follow will be the ones set down by your employer... hopefully they're making you follow some good ones! Without any universal standards -- and the firepower to force everyone to follow them -- you'll still undoubtedly run into lots of marginally intelligible code, but if your company enforces any sort of code conventions at least you'll be able to read your coworker's code fairly easily after he quits to form what he thinks will be the next MySpace.

When I started at my current employer, there were no documented code conventions for VB development. We have a fairly small number of programmers so perhaps it was felt that there was no need for them, but all it takes is one sloppy programmer to make a big mess. Since some of our most complex systems have been written by multiple contractors, the code we have to maintain was all over the place, stylistically speaking. It didn't take me too long to realize that even a small team needs some guidelines on how their source code should be written. And since I was a lead programmer, I got to dictate what those guidelines would be!

When I sat down to start writing my guidelines for coding conventions, I decided to focus on four main areas: documentation, code formatting, programming techniques, and source code organization. Each of these is a very large topic. Some of what I eventually developed came from my own experiences writing and maintaining code. A lot of the naming conventions I adopted come from Sun Microsystem's Java Code Conventions. Many of them I'm still developing as I go along.

Over the next several posts I hope to share the highlights in each of these areas. And since I know it's impossible for me to have thought of everything, I'd love to see what anyone else has to say on this topic as well!

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