Wow! I got sidetracked on getting out some other posts and, well... life, and I just realized I never continued the articles I started about XML documentation! For my earlier posts about code documentation, see Documentation is the Key and XML Documentation. So, as promised, here's how I use XML comments to document methods and events.
Documenting methods can get a little more complicated. Like all other comment blocks, I always include a <summary></summary> tag that gives a brief description of the method. If the method contains parameters, I'll follow the summary with a <param> tag for each parameter passed. If the method returns a value, I'll follow the parameter tags with a <returns></returns> tag that describes the return value. If the method throws any exceptions, those get documented within <exception></exception> tags. Finally, if the method needs further explanation, I'll include a <remarks></remarks> tag and possibly an example in an <example></example> tag.
In addition to the above tags, method documentation might also include <see></see> tags to refer to related properties, methods, or classes. If I need to refer to a parameter by name within the documentation (outside of that parameter's <param> tag), I'll surround it with a <paramref></paramref> tag. If any parameter type is an enumeration, I may also include a <list></list> with enumeration values and their meaning within the context of the method.
Method comments can get rather complex, so here's an example:
''' <summary>
''' Saves the document to a file.
''' </summary>
''' <param cref="filename">
''' The name of the file to which the document will be saved.
''' <param>
''' <param cref="format">
''' The format in which to save the document. Can be any of
''' the following values:
''' <list>
''' <li>
''' XML
''' <description>
''' Document text and formatting saved using XML schema.
''' </description>
''' </li>
''' <li>
''' Binary
''' <description>
''' Document saved as binary data.
''' </description>
''' </li>
''' <li>
''' RTF
''' <description>
''' Document saved in rich-text format.
''' </description>
''' </li>
''' </list>
''' <param cref="overwrite">
''' If <b>True</b> and this file already exists, it will be overwritten
''' without warning. If <b>False</b> and this file already exists, this
''' function will not save the file and will exit with a return value of
''' <b>False</b>.
''' <returns>
''' <b>True</b> if the document was saved with no errors; otherwise,
''' <b>False</b>.
''' </returns>
''' <exceptions cref="ArgumentNullException">
''' Occurs if the filename is null (<b>Nothing</b> in Visual Basic).
''' </exception>
''' <exception cref="IOException">
''' Occurs if an error occurred attempting to write the file.
''' </exception>
''' <remarks>
''' <seealso cref="Load"></seealso>
''' </remarks>
Public Function Save(ByRef filename As String, ByRef format As FileFormatEnum, _
ByRef overwrite As Boolean) As Boolean
End Function
Events are pretty straightforward. I usually don't do more than include a <summary> tag and possibly a <remarks> tag.
''' <summary>
''' Occurs when the document is being the completion status of the
''' progress has changed.
''' </summary>
''' <remarks>
''' The <see cref="ProgressUpdatedEventArgs></see> event argument
''' passed with the event contains an integer property,
''' <see cref="Progress"></see>, that contains the current completion
''' status, represented as a percentage.
''' </remarks>
Public Event ProgressUpdated as EventHandler(Of ProgressUpdatedEventArgs)
More Info
For a complete list of XML tags suggested by Microsoft, see Recommended Tags for Documentation Comments (C#).
Thursday, November 20, 2008
XML Documentation (continued)
code conventions,
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